What foods increase erection?

Hundreds of the stronger sex ask the question of how to give a man proper nutrition every day. It turns out that there are potency products that help improve men’s health, increase libido and normalize sexual function. But before you get used to the products that increase their strength, you should think again about how important it is to have a healthy lifestyle.

There are several components of masculine strength:

  • full sleep;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • minimal stress;
  • balanced diet.
a man eats a vegetable salad for potash

Bia Casanova: 10 mBia Aphrodisiac

Numerous studies show that eating certain foods regularly can help prevent many problems related to your sex life. According to experts, adding foods that contribute to erection to your diet is enough to make you feel more confident in bed.

These include:

  • grape.It is a red grape that makes sperm more motile due to the presence of the substance resveartol. It is recommended to eat grapes with the skins;
  • tuna.The meat of this fish is rich in vitamin D, due to its presence, the level of testosterone in the body increases by 90%, there is also a hypothesis that the DNA molecules in the semen with the continuous use of tuna in food. improved;
  • avocadocleanses blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the whole body. This fruit is healthy to consume due to the fat content of healthy vegetables;
  • food for potency
  • pomegranate and pomegranate juiceincrease the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also improve blood circulation. Sexologists recommend the product, which is available in all supermarkets, to improve potency;
  • meat.Any male body needs protein to get a healthy diet, and the need for this substance cannot be filled with the help of food of plant origin alone. When it comes to using meat, however, you need to know when to stop: eating too much fat can only harm the body;
  • raw garlicit contains a lot of cortisol - an element responsible for replenishing energy. It is cortisol that improves sperm motility;
  • milrich in boron and nitric oxide, which have a positive effect on the state of the blood. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to eat at least one teaspoon of honey per day;
  • milkIt is also a product for good erection, because it contains protein. Protein, in turn, is responsible for producing testosterone and amino acids that are essential for muscle growth;
  • eggs.Professional nutritionists say: the daily intake of protein, which does not threaten the accumulation of cholesterol, is three boiled eggs a day;
  • dairy products to increase potency
  • cabbage- a real storehouse of useful elements and vitamins! The vegetable helps reduce the amount of estrogen that comes together over the years. The less this hormone is in a man’s body, the more actively testosterone is produced.

It is no secret that men have a sweet tooth. Foods that are useful for improving potency should be not only rich in protein, but also glucose. Thus, sweets can, within reason, be beneficial. Dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins), cocoa, and dark chocolate are considered potash stimulants. Combined with nuts, which provide many health benefits for men, these foods can effectively boost sexual energy! 100 grams of any nuts and tablespoons of honey is a tasty and healthy treat that you need to eat every day!

What products should be discarded

Not all products have a positive effect on the body, in particular, the sexual sphere.

Proper nutrition for potash also implies the exclusion of certain foods that inhibit the cleansing process and, conversely, accumulate cholesterol and extra pounds. This includes a variety of convenience food, fast food and in-store sausages made from low grade raw materials.

harmful products for potash

Problems with potency can also be caused by foods saturated with carbohydrates:

  • pasta;
  • alcohol;
  • White bread;
  • rice;
  • potatoes;
  • carbonated beverages.

There are foods that need to be treated with care. If it cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, you should at least strictly limit its use. This includes salt, sugar, caffeine, and soy.

We look in more detail at the action information of these products:

  • salt and sugar retain water in the body, prevent stabilizing metabolic processes. A man is allowed to eat no more than 3 grams of salt a day and up to 6 teaspoons of sugar (including those in drinks and flour products);
  • Caffeine inhibits the production of the male hormone, so the sperm formation process also deteriorates. The harmless norm of natural coffee for a man is 1 cup per day; it is not strongly recommended to drink instant coffee;
  • soy and soy sauce do not go well with a healthy male diet. This product contains phytoestrogens (female hormones of plant origin).

Sometimes it is very difficult to give up such familiar products. The key is to set a goal and gradually change your diet for the better. In a few weeks, you will feel the difference. By using what is good for one’s build, you will gain self-confidence, feel strong and desirable - a real man!